What are PDO threads?
Polydioxanone (PDO) thread treatment is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that helps to lift and tighten sagging skin on the lower face and neck, giving a natural looking lift.
The threads are made from PDO and each thread has multidirectional ‘barbs’ which fix and support the skin tissue.
This procedure is also known as the "one stitch facelift" or "puppet facelift".
Which areas can be treated?

Predominantly jowls, jawline and neck, which also improves creases and folds around the mouth, marionette and nasolabial lines.

Forehead/brow and body areas with loose skin such as abdomen and arms can also be treated.
What are the benefits of PDO thread lift?
Before you have the procedure
If you are considering PDO threads an in-depth consultation is required with Dr Gower at least two weeks in advance, ensuring you are fully informed and have time to ask questions before you make the final decision to go ahead.
At Look Natural Aesthetics we use a mixture of HoneyDerma AnchorMax and Intravita PDO threads, which are FDA-approved and provide excellent and safe results.
The type, position and number of threads to be used will be discussed during your consultation, as will the price.
We strongly advise that you DO NOT drive home yourself and you arrange for someone else to help you get home.
It is recommended to take a few days off work after the procedure. Everyone is different but your recovery can be considered to be similar to having straightforward wisdom teeth removed.
What do PDO threads look like?

Watch the procedure taking place
Some people like to take a simple pain killer about an hour prior to the procedure.
OPTIONAL – Platelet rich plasma (PRP) – if you choose this (at no extra cost) Dr Gower will take some of your blood and use the platelet rich plasma component whilst inserting the threads. This results in less initial trauma and bruising, but additional stimulus to the healing process (see additional patient information leaflet).
The results of PDO threads
You can expect an immediate lifting effect achieved by the tiny multidirectional ‘barbs’ on the threads, which fix and support the skin tissue.
However, it is the ‘trauma’ that is caused and presence of the PDO threads that stimulates the healing process, and subsequent synthesis of collagen and elastin around the threads which produce the longer-term natural lift.
A further benefit of this collagen stimulation is improved skin health and reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.
Our clients have typically considered a surgical face lift but prefer a less invasive (and cheaper) treatment with less down time, and are prepared to accept that the result is not as guaranteed but will be more natural looking.
It is important to recognise that your result will vary depending upon:

Your age – whilst the procedure is suitable for all ages, the younger you are the better your healing response will be, so the better the long-term results.

Your lifestyle - smoking, excessive alcohol, certain medications such as cortisone, excessive sun exposure and sun bed tanners are all detrimental to your skin's health.

Pre-existing asymmetry may not be improved due to muscle activity or other reasons.

Existing facial trauma/scarring.

What to expect after your treatment
Dr Gower will prescribe an antibiotic (Azithromycin) for the day of the procedure, then two doses afterwards.
Immediately after the treatment, the skin will most likely be red and swollen and slight bruising may occur - this may last up to 2 weeks and can sometimes take a couple of days to show.
Bruising can usually be disguised by make up after 3 days.
Swelling should go down after a couple of days.
Plasters will be placed over the insertion sites. They should be left in place for 48 hours and new plasters will be issued.
You may feel a slight ‘dragging’ sensation as new collagen is produced around the threads.
This may last for up to 5/6 weeks and has been described as a slight 'electric shock' sensation.
The face will feel quite tight, and many people will see dimpling or ‘puckering’ of the skin and this will take a few weeks to settle down, again everyone is different so this can vary from person to person.
It is possible that there might be some asymmetry afterwards.
None of us are completely symmetrical, and it is common to find one side of the face ages slightly differently to the other, in which case results are also going to be slightly different.
Although effects of the treatment will be seen immediately, keep in mind that formation of new collagen starts after approximately 6 weeks.
Usually by about 10-12 weeks a real difference is seen.
Because collagen regeneration and contraction can take up to 3 months to take its full course, it is important to continue with a maintenance programme to optimise your results, which can be discussed with Dr Gower.
When combined with fillers, advanced skin care treatments, or botulinum toxin, even greater results can be achieved.
Qualified and regulated clinic
At Look Natural Aesthetics we feel strongly that PDO thread-lifting should only be performed by a qualified medical professional who has received specialised training in thread lifting techniques and works in a CQC regulated clinic.
There are many non-medical practitioners performing and teaching threads lifts over whom the CQC has no jurisdiction. As well as the concern that the practitioner is inexperienced or poorly trained, the stringent guidelines for cleanliness, safety and quality that the CQC ensure may not be met, and we believe this increases the incidence of complications.

It is to be expected that there will be some swelling, bruising and pain after the procedure.
In 2023 the charity Save Face however reported an increase in complaints from patients undergoing thread treatment with the following.

Excessive discomfort and pain

Prolonged bruising, swelling and tenderness

Blood vessel or salivary gland injury, hematoma and nerve damage


Facial asymmetry

Protrusion, extrusion and migration of threads

Dimpling and irregularities

Thread migration
A qualified and experienced practitioner will minimise the risks of these complications occurring, and be able to deal with the consequence of any that do.
To maintain the results of a PDO thread lift, additional treatments may be recommended. Some individuals choose to have touch-up treatments every 6 to 12 months to maintain the desired level of lift and rejuvenation such as fillers, advanced skin care and skin boosters.
Effects of all treatments we perform at Look Natural Aesthetics are enhanced greatly by advanced skin care, improving the overall outcome of any aesthetic procedure.
Aftercare for PDO thread lift

Gently wash the treated areas on the same day but do not rub or massage the face vigorously for two weeks.

No make up over thread insertion sites for 3 to 4 days (sites need to heal cleanly)

Avoid taking strenuous exercise, preferably until the following day.

Do not open your mouth too wide for 3-4 weeks. This is self-limiting, and you will feel yourself how far you can open your mouth (avoid dental treatment for 4 weeks if possible)

A stinging or "pulling" pain or discomfort is normal.

Dental treatment should be postponed for at least 1 month post treatment

You can take paracetamol as required (follow instructions on the packet) Avoid taking any anti-inflammatory medication such as Nurofen, Asprin, Voltarol, Ibuprofen as these may cause further bruising

Avoid alcohol and anti-coagulant medicine (unless prescribed medical indications) for 7 days. Advice will be given.

Avoid blood 'thinning' supplements such as evening primrose oil and vitamins C & E for 7 days

Use of SPF 30-50 is recommended daily such as Heliocare.

Avoid temperature extremes such as sauna or very cold climate for 10 days

Avoid physical exercise for 7 days post procedure.

Avoid having Radio Frequency (RF) or any heat producing device (laser, IPL, etc.) treatments of the thread treated areas for at least 10 weeks

You must finish the course of antibiotics

A scratchy sensation is normal, this will subside over a 2-4 week period

Stinging, "pulling" or scratchy sensations should all disappear by week 5

We will ask you back for a review at 1 week and then again at 8 weeks (possibly more in between) and we shall be in contact frequently to check how you are.

Any concerns or worries, please don’t hesitate to contact the clinic on 01482 861439 Or 07976376685.